Rhinoceros 5.4.30524
Rhinoceros 5.4.30524
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Free modelling, 3d design and photorealistic raytracing

Rhinoceros 5 is the newest version of the 3d design software based on NURBS. Created as an add-on for Autodesk’s AutoCAD the program is normally used for architecture, naval and industrial design and even for jewellery art. It is the perfect solution for realistic modelling and can be implemented with different programs for photorealistic rendering (Flamingo), non-realistic rendering (Penguin) and animation (Bongo).Rhinoceros is one of the most popular 3d software due to its multiple applications and diversity, its multiple options to import and export files and mostly because it is one of the cheapest 3d design programs.

How to use
Rhinoceros’ developers (Robert McNeel & Associates) have spent the last five years trying to enhance all the Rhino 4 workflow problems. The result is that Rhinoceros 5.0 is quicker, more stable and able to manage bigger models and projects. 40.000 beta users have tested and improved the product to create a better tool for 3d design.The new version has released a new interface and visual modules and now it is quite similar to CAD software. Apart from that, there are more than 3.500 improvements on modelling, edition and an enhanced widget gumball. The complex model edition is now easier and faster thanks to new commands, sub-object manipulation and more commands have history support.
The render options have a new high-quality render that can be improved with multiple plug-ins for better material, texture, environments and light results. The improvements continue with the 2-d design. Rhinoceros 5 offers all kind of drafting and printing options to make illustrations and drawings, for every discipline, as easier as possible.
Rhino 5.0 can work over 64-bit and, thanks to its enhanced support for graphic co-processors, it is the perfect combination for 3-D digitizing hardware and 3-D scanned point cloud data. The new developer’s idea is to improve users and third-party developers’ cooperation, to obtain one of the most interactive products ever seen. Rhino 5.0, the product you don’t have to worry about. Feel free to focus on designing and let the software do its job.

Rhinoceros 5.4.30524 Features
Check Rhinoceros 5’s newest version features:- Follow the design steps: drafting, engineering, analysis and manufacturing
- Full compatibility with other animation, rendering, illustration and design software
- Works on every single computer. There is no need for special hardware
- Enhancements for third-party developers
- Really affordable price

System Requirements
Before the download and installation, please check that your computer fits the next requirements:- Operating System: Windows XP (only 32 bits) with the Service Pack 3 installed or above
- RAM Memory: at least 1 GB
- Hard Disk: at least 600 MB free HDD space
- Video Card: compatible with OpenGL 2
- Internet connection is necessary to validate and register the product

- Unlimited capabilities with multiple add-ons
- Easy to use and really fast
- Compatible with other design and rendering programs
- No special hardware is needed
- Very good price
- Not as stable as developers say
- Not for beginners
For what are you going to use the program?
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